Benefits of the ARAC MLA:
ARAC MLA forms a regional network of Conformity Assessment Bodies accredited by accreditation bodies that have been peer-evaluated and recognized as being competent. This network facilitates the acceptance of test, calibration, certification and inspection reports in the region, thus contributing to the facilitation of trade and the free-trade goal of “Accredited once, accepted everywhere”.
Who benefits from the ARAC MLA?

National governments and regulators
The ARAC MLA provides a framework that allows Governments to rely on data from accredited organizations in other countries.
Accreditation minimizes risk as decisions can be based on reliable certificates or reports and there can be greater confidence in the data being used to establish baselines for monitoring and enforcement.

Accreditation can impact positively on all aspects of our daily life from the safety of the products we buy to the quality of the environment we live in. The accreditation of testing, inspection and certification ensures that these activities are carried out by competent organisations. The influence of accreditation may not always be recognized or understood by the consumer but it plays an important role in ensuring that he or she has access to goods and services of consistent and reliable quality and safety International Recognition.

Industry and the business community
Importing goods and services with an ARAC MLA-accredited report or certificate can be both less risky and cheaper because accreditation confirms conformity to recognised standards of consistency and quality and can therefore also avoid the costs of re-testing.
The ARAC MLA helps remove barriers to trade and supports development of a free market in the Arab region. After achieving the International recognition of the ARAC MLA, its ARAC MLA also opens new opportunities on the global market.
Buying conformity assessment services from an organization accredited by an ARAC MLA signatory can also help businesses differentiate their services by providing evidence of technical competence, impartiality and compliance with international requirements within their supply chain.

Health and Safety
Accreditation plays an important part in the health, safety and well-being of the public. Assurance that the test reports are reliable, that it conforms to the requirements of the specific test, is supported by accreditation.
Accreditation can be used as a tool to support the commissioning or specification of medical laboratory services that are technically competent, safe and reliable.